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Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset – The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it feels too hard, feels like it’s taking too much time, or just not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset.

How do we cultivate a growth mindset in our children?

How do we develop and support our NextGen thinkers & doers analytical and critical thinking skills; the tools needed to be successful?

Eliminate the fear and allow our children the time and space to fail and succeed. Helping students build their confidence in themselves and their abilities while embracing the idea that failures will lead to opportunities to learn and grow is pivotal! Whoa! That’s huge for 7-year-olds, 10-year-olds, and especially for us adult-crowd.

STEM/STEAM learning experiences offer great opportunities to develop a powerful GROWTH MINDSET! And STEAMwhiz is taking on this challenge as labs are being designed with more exploration time, space for success & failures, and a focus on self-reflection and confidence.

STEM is hard for everyone. Grades ultimately aren’t what matter. Curiosity and perseverance matter. ~ tweeted by Lead Engineer of Blue Origin, Ben Cichy

Growth Mindset Attributes

Taking on Challenges

You look forward to the next challenge.

Learning from Mistakes

You reflect on what you learned from the mistake and apply it to trying again.

Accpeting Feedback

You see criticism as supporting your learning, and you learn from it.


You enjoy the process of getting really good at something. You may set your own practice plans.


You “stick to it” and keep working confidently until the task is complete.

Asking Questions

You ask questions of the educator, the task, and most importantly yourself.