Week 4 – Coding II (AM)

July 22, 2024 9:00 am - July 26, 2024 12:00 pm STEAMwhiz HQ

Code Hacking II – Control Minecraft with Python Coding

Week 4 – AM | Summer SciTech July 22 – 26 | 9AM – 12PM

Challenge –

How can you unleash your creativity and coding skills to design and implement engaging mini-games using Python within the Minecraft universe?

Your challenge is to explore the world of game development by coding unique mini-games that captivate players and integrate seamlessly into the Minecraft environment. From concept to execution, how will you use Python to bring your mini-games to life, considering factors like gameplay dynamics, challenges, and rewards? This adventure invites you to be both a Minecraft architect and a Python programmer. How can you leverage coding to enhance the Minecraft experience and create memorable gaming moments for players within this virtual realm?

Projects Include –

Minecraft Modding, Automated Contraptions, Crafting Minecraft Mini-Games

Learning Objectives –

  1. Introduction to Python Coding in Minecraft:
    • Acquire basic programming skills in Python, specifically focusing on its application within the Minecraft environment.
    • Understand the syntax and logic needed to interact with Minecraft through Python.
    • Coding Fundamentals will include computation thinking, loops, variables, conditional statements, functions
  2. Game Design Principles:
    • Explore fundamental game design concepts, such as player interaction, objectives, and challenges.
    • Apply design thinking to plan and sketch out ideas for Minecraft mini-games, considering factors like player engagement and enjoyment.
  3. Python Scripting for Mini-Games:
    • Develop the ability to write Python scripts to create custom mini-games within Minecraft.
    • Understand how to use Python to control game mechanics, spawning entities, and implementing win/lose conditions.
  4. Collaborative Coding and Problem-Solving:
    • Foster collaboration skills by working in teams to code and debug Minecraft mini-games.
    • Encourage problem-solving as students encounter challenges in coding, emphasizing the importance of iterative development.
  5. User Testing and Iterative Improvement:
    • Implement a testing and feedback loop to evaluate the playability and functionality of the coded mini-games.
    • Learn to gather feedback, analyze it, and make iterative improvements to enhance the overall gaming experience.

* Pre-requisites: able to focus for extended periods of time, basic keyboard + mouse skills, previous coding experience is helpful but not necessary

Early Bird Special

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